Basic Infantry Training Made Longer, More Intense To Achieve Optimal Fitness and Discipline
Expect a stronger and tougher U.S. Army as there are plans pushing for longer basic infantry training this year. In the face of growing threats and circumstances that may put many lives in danger, there is a need to make the new generation of military as resilient as they can be.
Big changes are coming to the Army basic training in 2019. In fact, these changes have already started rolling as early as last year. In Fort Jackson, South Carolina for example, a new basic infantry training program was adapted to ensure that the new soldiers will be more fit and disciplined. Meanwhile, in Fort Benning, Georgia, the infantry one-station unit training was made to be 22 weeks long instead of 14 weeks, and it is possible that the training program will be even longer this year.
Aspiring U.S. Army members should be ready for a more intense experience at the camp as the senior officers are determined to keep the current duration of basic infantry training this year. There will also be extensions for OSUT for other combat requirements, like engineer and armor.
With this, the expectations are high from the product of the extended and tougher basic training.
Helping the senior Army leaders in their decision to extend the basic infantry training program is the result of recent operational unit leadership surveys. The one conducted in 2017 by the Center of Initial Military Training found out that the new batch of soldiers do not possess the fitness qualities that are expected from them to proceed to their first units. Issues with discipline were also observed, like some young trainees displayed sense of entitlement and stubbornness by always questioning lawful orders. It was also revealed that most trainees became too comfortable with buddy mentality with their NCOs and officers. Thus, their individual growth and development is hindered.
The issues mentioned above must be dealt with accordingly, that is why the longer basic infantry training happening this year couldn’t come any sooner. A more intense training would make the trainees more adapted into a combat setting. They would need a stronger and fitter body to run around and carry heavy loads of equipment and weapon. Although, it was also raised that the solders carrying too much weight for weapons and accessories might be a little too strenuous.
Looking at how technology has shaped different sectors, including the government, over the years, it should be expected that the problem with soldiers carrying heavy equipment will be fixed very soon. There are proposals to change the materials of the equipment to make things lighter, although that one must be studied carefully first before implementing. At this point, these military tools and equipment must be secured, and touching them without permission will strictly prohibited. Perhaps some people can take photos with actual military training objects and post the photos on Instagram for everyone to see. If you like to gain more likes and a wider reach, you can try insta likes kopen.