The Defense Department is actually checking out the possible effects of having a testosterone boosts especially among those men who are serving the military. This is in relation on how to keep the muscle and brain of military personally in tip-top condition particularly during combat and long periods of stress.

Whenever the troops are sent to a far location and start engaging in extended physical activity similar to contingency operations as well as war, they typically lack of the essential calories required to sustain proper mental function and high physical stamina. This is as per medical researchers who are studying the impacts of prolonged activities among the military.

Consequences of Calorie Deficit

There are instances to which calorie deficit can range to as 50 to 60 percent below the amount needed. If it’s not addressed, it can lead to dangers such as:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Fatigue and;
  • Muscle loss

As for men who lack of the required calorie amount, it can result to a drop in their testosterone levels. If it does happen, it makes them vulnerable to illness, wounds, injury or worse, death. This is the reason why scientists are checking all the possibilities how to address this in form of increasing their testosterone levels. Fortunately today, there are many sources on how it can be acquired like checking

Scientists at the Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Facility and Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine are performing a study in order to ascertain if maintaining the normal testosterone levels throughout periods of calorie deficit or restriction can boost performance or at least, minimize any negative consequences.

The outcome is going to provide valuable insights with the role of testosterone in keeping up the agility, strength, brain function of military personnel.

This is as per Stefan Pasiakos, one of the research psychologists at USARIEM.

For Safety and Protection

The study isn’t entirely focused on all soldiers who can be turned into a super-warrior via testosterone injections. Rather, the 5-million dollar research is centered on higher intensity stressful conditions that can be endured by special-ops personnel as well as combat arm troops who are constantly engaged in extended warfare which was discussed further by the lead investigator of the research, Dr. Jennifer Rood.
